Home Ansible Explaining Ansible Facts With Examples

Explaining Ansible Facts With Examples

An Introduction To Ansible Facts

By Karthick
Published: Updated: 14.7K views

This tutorial explains what Ansible facts are, and how to gather system information i.e facts in Ansible playbooks.

A Brief Introduction to Ansible Facts

Facts are the information about the managed hosts.

When you run the playbook, ansible will try to collect system-related information about the managed host and store it in the memory until the playbook is completed.

The information can be an IP address, operating system, filesystem and more. This information gathering is taken care of by the "setup" module.

You do not need to define the setup module. Instead, ansible will automatically use the setup module and collect the facts.

Have a look at the following example.

Create a playbook and add the following play definition. The play definition contains only the play name and the target hosts. No task is created for this play.

- name: Stats collection
  hosts: all

As you can see from the following output, when I run the playbook, gathering facts is submitted as the first task even though we have not defined any task in the playbook.

PLAY [Stats collection] *******************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************
ok: [rocky.anslab.com]
ok: [master.anslab.com]
ok: [ubuntu.anslab.com]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************
master.anslab.com          : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0 
rocky.anslab.com           : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0 
ubuntu.anslab.com          : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0  

Facts are also called playbook variables.

How To Use Variables In Ansible Playbooks

Disabling Facts Gathering

Not every playbook requires facts to be collected. You can skip facts collection by adding "gather_facts: false" to the play definition.

- name: Stats collection
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false

How to Use Setup Module

As I told in the previous section, ansible uses the setup module to collect facts. Let's see some ways to use the setup module as adhoc command then we will see how to use the setup module explicitly in the playbook.

The output of the setup command will be in JSON format. Run the following command against a target host to get the facts output.

$ ansible m1 -m setup | less
Gathering Facts With Ansible
Gathering Facts With Ansible

As you can see from the above image, a whole lot of system related information is collected. Some information may be useful and some may not.

Facts Data Type

The information stored in the facts are classified into three different data types.

  • AnsibleUnsafeText
  • Dictionary
  • List

Following playbook is for demonstrating data types from facts output. I am using type_debug to find the data type.

- name: Facts Data type
  hosts: m2
  gather_facts: true
  tags: datatype


    - name: AnsibleUnsafeText
        var: ansible_facts['distribution'] | type_debug 

    - name: dict
        var: ansible_facts['eth0']['ipv4'] | type_debug

    - name: List
        var: ansible_facts['eth0']['ipv6'] | type_debug

Sample Output:

$ ansible-playbook facts_data_type.yml

TASK [AnsibleUnsafeText] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [rocky.anslab.com] => {
    "ansible_facts['distribution'] | type_debug": "AnsibleUnsafeText"

TASK [dict] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [rocky.anslab.com] => {
    "ansible_facts['eth0']['ipv4'] | type_debug": "dict"

TASK [List] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [rocky.anslab.com] => {
    "ansible_facts['eth0']['ipv6'] | type_debug": "list"

Facts Filter and Gather_subset

You can apply filters to grab a section of data from the facts output. Let's say if I want to grab machine architecture then the command will be as follows.

$ ansible m2 -m setup -a "filter=ansible_architecture"

rocky.anslab.com | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ansible_architecture": "x86_64",
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
    "changed": false

You can also filter the data using patterns.

$ ansible m2 -m setup -a "filter=*architecture"

rocky.anslab.com | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "ansible_architecture": "x86_64",
        "ansible_userspace_architecture": "x86_64",
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
    "changed": false

You can also use gather_subset to get the specified subset of facts. For example if you want only the network related information, you can use "gather_subset=network".

$ ansible m2 -m setup -a "gather_subset=network"

Likewise there are other subsets such as all, min, hardware, network, and virtual etc. By default "all" is set.

You can prefix ! symbol with any subset which will not collect the particular subset. For example, the below command will collect all facts except network related information.

$ ansible m2 -m setup -a "gather_subset=!network"

Writing The Facts to File

You can write the facts to a file using the --tree flag. Directory path should be passed as argument to --tree flag.

$ ansible all -m setup --tree /home/vagrant/facts

Here ansible will collect the facts for all group and store the output with the server name in the directory /home/vagrant/facts.

$ ls -l ~/facts
total 68
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 21092 Apr 27 05:36 master.anslab.com
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 18336 Apr 27 05:36 rocky.anslab.com
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 21093 Apr 27 05:36 ubuntu.anslab.com

Using Setup Module in the Playbook

Not all the data collected in the facts will be used in your playbooks. So you can explicitly use the setup module and collect the piece of data you are interested in.

If you take a look at the playbook below, the only data I am interested in getting is the managed node distribution information. Using that information I have written a conditional statement.

- name: Explicitly using setup module
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Setup Module
        filter: ansible_distribution

    - name: Doing something
        msg: "Spotted RHEL based distro. Proceeding with activity..."
      when: ansible_distribution | lower in ["rocky","redhat","centos"]

In the output below, you can see tasks ran only on Rocky Linux and skipped for Ubuntu based distributions.

TASK [Setup Module] ***********************************************************************************
ok: [rocky.anslab.com]
ok: [master.anslab.com]
ok: [ubuntu.anslab.com]

TASK [Doing something] ********************************************************************************
skipping: [master.anslab.com]
skipping: [ubuntu.anslab.com]
ok: [rocky.anslab.com] => {
    "msg": "Spotted RHEL based distro. Proceeding with activity..."

You can also use filters and gather_subset in the playbook.

- name: Applying filter
      - 'ansible_distribution'
      - 'ansible_eth[0-3]'
- name: Using subsets
      - '!all'
      - 'network'

Run Time Variation with and without Facts Collection

When you run the playbook against a large set of managed hosts, fact collection can slow the play. Using the time command you can check the playbook run time with and without facts.

The below output shows the time difference with and without facts. My playbook has less number of tasks and only 3 managed hosts so there won't be any big difference in the run time.

# With facts
$ time ansible-playbook facts.yml

sys    0m0.340s
# Without facts
$ time ansible-playbook facts.yml

sys    0m0.265s


In this article we have discussed what is facts and how to run adhoc commands using the setup module and how to use the setup module explicitly in the playbook.

Facts gathering is a time consuming process when you are running against a huge number of targets.

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