The other day, I encountered with a strange error after I cloned a CentOS …
Trouble shooting
- Command line utilitiesDebianFAQLinux BasicsLinux DistributionsTrouble shootingUbuntu
Install DHCP Server in Ubuntu 16.04
By skBy sk 7.9K viewsDHCP, abbreviation of Dynamic Host Control Protocol, is a network protocol that assigns IP …
- UbuntuLinuxLinux AdministrationLinux BasicsLinux CommandsLinux MintLinux Tips & TricksPackage managementTrouble shootingUnix/Linux Beginners
How To Prevent A Package From Being Automatically Installed, Upgraded Or Removed In Ubuntu
By skBy sk 951 viewsIn this brief tutorial, we will see how to prevent a package from being …
- FAQCommand line utilitiesLinuxLinux AdministrationLinux BasicsLinux CommandsLinux KernelLinux MintTips and TricksTrouble shootingUbuntuUnix/Linux BeginnersUtilities
The Safest Way To Remove Old Kernels In Ubuntu
By skBy sk 3.3K viewsThe Ubuntu Kernel team releases new Kernel updates, bug fixes, and security patches every …
- Secure Shell (SSH)Arch LinuxFAQLinuxLinux AdministrationLinux BasicsLinux Tips & TricksTips and TricksTrouble shootingUnix/Linux Beginners
How To Fix ECDSA host key Warning Error In Linux
By skBy sk 15K viewsI have been using Oracle Virtualbox for years to deploy many virtual machines for …
- Trouble shootingFAQLinuxLinux Tips & TricksTips and TricksUnix/Linux Beginners
Fix “VLC could not decode the format hevc” Error in Ubuntu
By skBy sk 7.8K viewsToday, I have encountered with the following error while playing a Movie from VLC …
- Oracle VirtualBoxFAQLinux BasicsLinux troubleshootingTips and TricksTrouble shootingUbuntu
VirtualBox error – Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)
By skBy sk 2.4K viewsToday, I upgraded my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS system to Linux Kernel 4.4.4. Upgrade process …
- UbuntuFile systemLinuxLinux BasicsTrouble shootingUnix/Linux Beginners
Fix “ext4-fs error ext4_lookup deleted inode referenced” error in Ubuntu
By skBy sk 33.5K viewsThe other day I started my Ubuntu virtual machine and encountered with the following …
- Linux troubleshootingAlmalinuxArch LinuxCentOSDebianElementary OSEndeavourOSFAQFedoraFedora SilverblueLinuxLinux AdministrationLinux BasicsLinux CommandsLinux MintLinux Tips & TricksManjaroOracle LinuxPop OSRed Hat Enterprise LinuxRocky LinuxScientific LinuxSecurityTips and TricksTrouble shootingUbuntuUnix/Linux Beginners
How To Reset Root User Password In Arch Linux, CentOS And Ubuntu
By skBy sk 9.5K viewsA while ago, we described how to reset root user password in Unix (FreeBSD). …
- Arch LinuxEndeavourOSFAQLinuxLinux AdministrationLinux BasicsLinux troubleshootingManjaroPackage managementTrouble shootingUnix/Linux Beginners
How To Fix “unable to lock database” Error In Arch Linux
By skThe other day, I was about to update my Arch Linux system. When I …