Pacman, stands for Package Manager, is the default and simple library-based command line package management tool for Arch Linux and its derivatives. It allows us to easily install, remove, update, and upgrade packages along with all required dependencies. In short, Pacman will keep your Arch Linux system up-to-date by synchronizing packages with the remote master server. Pacman generally uses the .pkg.tar.xz package format, and it is written using C programming language.
As you probably know, unlike other Linux distributions, Arch Linux doesn't have any GUI package manager. For example, Ubuntu has a GUI package manager called software center to install, update, upgrade, and remove packages. But in Arch Linux, there is no such thing. Pacman is a command line package manager.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to use pacman to install, remove, update, and upgrade packages in Arch Linux with simple examples.
Table of Contents
Pacman Command Examples
1. Refresh package lists
Like in all Linux operating systems, before installing any packages, or updating the system, we must update the package lists:
To do so, run the following command as root user:
# pacman -Syy
Sample output:
:: Synchronizing package databases... core 122.6 KiB 69.9K/s 00:02 [######################] 100% extra 1745.3 KiB 38.5K/s 00:45 [######################] 100% community 3.4 MiB 243K/s 00:14 [######################] 100% multilib 162.1 KiB 264K/s 00:01 [######################] 100% archlinuxfr 11.2 KiB 338K/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
2. Install a specific package
To install a particular package, for example vlc player, we use the following command:
# pacman -S vlc
The above command will install vlc package along with all required dependencies.
Similarly, you can install multiple packages at once.
For example, to install vlc and firefox, we can use the following command:
# pacman -S vlc firefox
3. Download a package
Sometimes, you might want to just download a package and keep it in your cache without installing it. You might plan to use the downloaded packages in future.
To do so, run:
# pacman -Sw <package-name>
# pacman -Sw vlc
The above command will only download the vlc package, and keep it in the cache folder.
Pacman stores all downloaded packages in /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ folder.
# ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
In case, you want to install the downloaded packages, go to the cache folder and enter the following command:
# cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
# pacman -U <package-name>
# pacman -U vlc-2.2.2-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
Do not confuse with -U flag. It doesn't mean uninstall. We use this flag to install packages from the local cache.
4. Install a package group
We can install a package group. Say for example, you might want to install KDE plasma desktop or MATE desktop. To do so, just run:
# pacman -S plasma-desktop
# pacman -S mate
This command will install the MATE or KDE plasma desktop session with all required dependencies.
5. Update / Upgrade a package
To update a single package, run:
# pacman -S <package-name>
# pacman -S vlc
To update all packages in your system, run:
# pacman -Syu
The above command will upgrade your Arch Linux to the next available latest version.
6. Skip update / upgrade a package or a package group
Sometimes, you might want keep the old version of a particular package while upgrading your Arch Linux.
To skip updating or upgrading a package, use command:
# pacman -Syu --ignore=grep
Sample output:
:: Synchronizing package databases... core 122.6 KiB 69.5K/s 00:02 [######################] 100% extra 1745.3 KiB 152K/s 00:12 [######################] 100% community 3.4 MiB 37.2K/s 01:33 [######################] 100% multilib 162.1 KiB 107K/s 00:02 [######################] 100% archlinuxfr is up to date :: Starting full system upgrade... warning: grep: ignoring package upgrade (2.23-1 => 2.24-1) there is nothing to do
To skip a package group, run:
# pacman -Syu --ignoregroup=mate
7. Remove a package
To remove a single or group of packages, we use -R parameter with pacman command.
Say for example, I want to remove the mate package.
To do so, run:
# pacman -R mate
Be mindful that the above command will only the actual package you specified. The dependencies will still remain in the hard drive.
In order to remove a package with all its dependencies, run the following command:
# pacman -Rs <package-name>
# pacman -Rs mate
This command will completely remove mate package and all dependencies.
Now, wait. What about the configuration files? Pacman keeps the important configuration files with the extension: .pacsave while removing packages.
If you no longer want them and want to free up hard drive, you can get-rid of that files with command:
# pacman -Rns mate
The above command will completely remove mate desktop session along with all required dependencies and configuration files.
Be careful while using the above command. You might accidentally delete some important dependencies required by another software.
So, to remove a package, which is required by another package, without removing the dependent package, use the following command:
# pacman -Rdd <package-name>
As you might know, there will still be some orphaned (unused) packages in your Arch Linux after removing a package. These orphaned packages are not required anymore, so we can get rid of them to free up some space.
To check if your Arch Linux has any orphaned package, run:
$ sudo pacman -Qdt
This command will display a list of unused packages.
To remove these packages, run:
$ sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq)
8. Search for packages from local database
It means querying a single or the list of packages from the local database i.e the cache folder.
To search for a specific package, for example vlc, from the local database, run:
# pacman -Q vlc
Sample output:
vlc 2.2.2-3
To search already installed packages, use the -s flag.
# pacman -Qs vlc
Sample output:
local/vlc 2.2.2-3 A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player
To search a package from the local database with detailed information, run:
# pacman -Qi vlc
Similarly, you can search multiple packages from the local database with command:
# pacman -Q string1 string2
To view the complete list of installed files by the package, run:
# pacman -Ql vlc
9. Search for packages from sync database
To search a package from a sync database (remote server), run:
# pacman -Ss vlc
Sample output:
extra/phonon-qt4-vlc 0.8.2-4 Phonon VLC backend for Qt4 extra/phonon-qt5-vlc 0.8.2-4 Phonon VLC backend for Qt5 extra/vlc 2.2.2-3 [installed] A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player community/npapi-vlc 2.2.2-1 The modern VLC Mozilla (NPAPI) plugin
To display the detailed information of the given package from the sync database, run:
# pacman -Si vlc
Pacman also ships with pacsearch utility that displays the search results with color highlighting, and it displays whether the package is installed or not.
The typical usage of pacsearch command will be:
# pacsearch vlc
Sample output:
extra/phonon-qt4-vlc 0.8.2-4 Phonon VLC backend for Qt4 extra/phonon-qt5-vlc 0.8.2-4 Phonon VLC backend for Qt5 extra/vlc 2.2.2-3 [installed] A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player community/npapi-vlc 2.2.2-1 The modern VLC Mozilla (NPAPI) plugin
As you see in the above output, pacsearch utility shows that vlc is installed.
10. List all unused (orphan) packages
To view all unused packages that are no longer needed as dependencies, use -dt parameter as shown below.
# pacman -Qdt <package-name>
11. Check which packages are taking up most space
Pacman has a nice utility called "pacgraph" that shows which packages are eating up most space in your hard drive.
Install pacgraph utility first.
# pacman -S pacgraph
Then, run the following command to find which package occupies more space:
# pacgraph -c
Sample output:
Autodetected Arch. Loading package info Total size: 1302MB 407MB vlc 201MB linux 130MB gcc 100MB pacgraph 29425kB grub 19300kB make 15617kB yaourt 290kB vi 231kB pciutils 186kB iputils 164kB patch 114kB pkg-config 76kB logrotate 55kB pcmciautils 50kB os-prober 31744B aurvote 27648B which 5120B systemd-sysvcompat
If you just wanted to show top biggest packages, run:
# pacgraph -c | head
Sample output:
Autodetected Arch. Loading package info Total size: 1302MB 407MB vlc 201MB linux 130MB gcc 100MB pacgraph 29425kB grub 19300kB make 15617kB yaourt
As you see in the above output, vlc package is eating up more space.
Like wise, to check which packages are eating up lowest size, run:
# pacgraph -c | tail
Sample output:
231kB pciutils 186kB iputils 164kB patch 114kB pkg-config 76kB logrotate 55kB pcmciautils 50kB os-prober 31744B aurvote 27648B which 5120B systemd-sysvcompat
This will give you an idea which package consumes more disk space, so that you can uninstall them it they are no longer needed.
12. Downgrade packages
This is something important that you need to pay attention. Let us say you want to install a new vlc package version. After installing the new vlc version, you notice that the application is constantly freezing, or broken, or not working at all. What would you do? In such cases, you can easily downgrade the vlc to the old and stable version. This can only be possible if you haven't clear your cache folder.
basically, all packages that we downloaded during the installation will be stored in the cache directory i.e /var/cache/pacman/pkg/. If you find a package is not working after upgrading it, you can easily downgrade it to its previous stable version.
To do so, remove the new version using command:
# pacman -R vlc
And then, go to the cache directory:
# cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
Now, install old version with command:
# pacman -S vlc-2.2.2-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
Similarly, you can downgrade all problematic packages to their old versions.
13. Clean up package cache
Like I said, all packages that we downloaded during the installation will be stored in the cache directory i.e /var/cache/pacman/pkg/. If you don't remove them periodically, it will slowly eat up your hard drive space, and sooner or later you could end up with low disk space.
So it is good to remove the cache periodically. Also, you must know that there are good and bad sides.
The good side is, as I mentioned above, you can downgrade a package to its old version whenever you want. If you find a package is not working properly after upgrading your system, you can easily downgrade it to the old version.
The bad side is disk space. If you have small size of root partition, and If you don't clear cache folder periodically, then you'll be surely run out of disk space soon. So, it is a good idea to clear up the cache from time to time.
To clear the cache folder, run the following command:
# pacman -Sc
The above command will remove all packages which are not installed locally from the cache folder.
To completely remove all packages (Whether they are installed or not installed) from the cache:
# pacman -Scc
Warning: There is no way to get back the cleared cache. So, be very careful before clearing the cache.
That's all for now folks. I hope you got some basic ideas of Pacman command usage. If you think that I missed anything, please let me know in the comment section below. I will update this guide as soon as possible.
1 comment
thanks !
very useful tutorial !!!
keep going 🙂