Home FAQ Linux Kernel 4.4.5 LTS released – Install it in CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 15.10

Linux Kernel 4.4.5 LTS released – Install it in CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 15.10

By sk
Published: Updated: 3.3K views

Just a few hours ago, Linux Kernel developer Greg Kroah-Hartman announced the release of Linux Kernel 4.4.5 LTS. All users of Kernel 4.4 series are advised to upgrade to this fifth maintenance release. At present, it is the most recent stable version released with ARM64, Btrfs, JFFS2, and AMDGPU Updates. For more details, check the release notes. In this tutorial, let us see how to install Linux Kernel 4.4.5 LTS version in CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 15.10.

Install Linux Kernel 4.4.5 LTS in CentOS 7

I tested this tutorial on CentOS 7 64 bit edition. Although, these steps should work on RHEL 7.

Note: Since this kernel is just released, the latest kernel haven't pushed into the ELRepo yet. It stills shows the 4.4.4 version. I think the latest kernel will be pushed to the repository in few hours.

To install the latest kernel, add ELRepo repository.

Add ELRepo GPG key:

# rpm --import https://www.elrepo.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org

Then, add ELRepo in CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 / Scientific Linux 7 using command:

# rpm -Uvh http://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-7.0-2.el7.elrepo.noarch.rpm

To Install ELRepo for CentOS 6 / RHEL 6 / Scientific Linux 6:

# rpm -Uvh http://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-6-6.el6.elrepo.noarch.rpm
To Install ELRepo for CentOS 5 / RHEL 5 / Scientific Linux 6:
# rpm -Uvh http://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-5-5.el5.elrepo.noarch.rpm

Enable ELRepo fastest mirror using by installing the following package:

# yum install yum-plugin-fastestmirror

Sample output:

 Package Arch Version Repository
 yum-plugin-fastestmirror noarch 1.1.31-34.el7 base 30 k

Transaction Summary
Upgrade 1 Package

Total download size: 30 k
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
Delta RPMs disabled because /usr/bin/applydeltarpm not installed.
yum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.31-34.el7.noarch.rpm | 30 kB 00:00 
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.
 Updating : yum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.31-34.el7.noarch 1/2 
 Cleanup : yum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.31-25.el7_0.noarch 2/2 
 Verifying : yum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.31-34.el7.noarch 1/2 
 Verifying : yum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.31-25.el7_0.noarch 2/2

 yum-plugin-fastestmirror.noarch 0:1.1.31-34.el7


We have added the ELRepo. Now, it is time to install Linux kernel 4.4.1 LTS.

Let us find out the current version details with command:

# uname -r

Sample output:


As you see, the installed version is 3.10.0-123.9.3.el7.x86_64.

Install Linux Kernel 4.4.1 LTS using command:

# yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml

Sample output:

Dependencies Resolved

 Package Arch Version Repository Size
 kernel-ml x86_64 4.4.4-1.el7.elrepo elrepo-kernel 38 M

Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package

Total download size: 38 M
Installed size: 170 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
kernel-ml-4.4.4-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64.rpm | 38 MB 02:28 
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
 Installing : kernel-ml-4.4.4-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 1/1 
 Verifying : kernel-ml-4.4.4-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 1/1

 kernel-ml.x86_64 0:4.4.4-1.el7.elrepo


After installing the Kernel, Reboot your system and select the latest Kernel from the Grub boot menu.

CentOS 7 Grub boot menu

Check the Kernel version using command:

# uname -r

Sample output:


Congratulation! Your CentOS 7 system is currently running on Kernel 4.4.4.

Have any problems after installing Linux Kernel 4.4.x? No worries, reboot your system. Select your previously working Kernel from the Boot menu.

Select previous working kernel in CentOS 7

Then, remove the newly installed Kernel using command:

# yum remove kernel-ml

That’s it.

Install Linux Kernel 4.4.5 LTS in Ubuntu 15.10

I tested this guide in Ubuntu 15.10 server. However, this guide should work on older Ubuntu versions, Debian, and Linux Mint etc.

Check the current Linux kernel version with command:

$ uname -r

Sample output:


As you see, my Ubuntu 14.04 system has 4.2.0-16-generic kernel version.

Now, we will install Linux Kernel 4.4.5. You can download the latest kernel from the following link.

For 32 bit Ubuntu systems:

$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4.5-wily/linux-headers-4.4.5-040405_4.4.5-040405.201603091931_all.deb
$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4.5-wily/linux-headers-4.4.5-040405-generic_4.4.5-040405.201603091931_i386.deb
$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4.5-wily/linux-image-4.4.5-040405-generic_4.4.5-040405.201603091931_i386.deb

For 64 bit Ubuntu systems:

$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4.5-wily/linux-headers-4.4.5-040405_4.4.5-040405.201603091931_all.deb
$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4.5-wily/linux-headers-4.4.5-040405-generic_4.4.5-040405.201603091931_amd64.deb
$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.4.5-wily/linux-image-4.4.5-040405-generic_4.4.5-040405.201603091931_amd64.deb

Then install Kernel 4.4.5 using command:

$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Then update the Grub boot loader with command:

$ sudo update-grub

Sample output:

Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.5-040405-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.4.5-040405-generic
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.0-16-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.2.0-16-generic
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin

If you’re using BURG boot loader, then run:

$ sudo update-burg

Then, reboot your system and log in to the newly installed Kernel.

Check if new Kernel has been installed with command:

$ uname -r

Sample output:


If you have any problems after upgrading the Kernel, force reboot your system, and login to the old Kernel by selecting the ‘Advanced options for Ubuntu’ from the Boot menu.

Ubuntu Grub boot menu

Boot menu Ubuntu

Then uninstall the new Kernel with command:

$ sudo apt-get remove linux-headers-4.4* linux-image-4.4*

Finally reboot your system.

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NNois December 14, 2016 - 8:56 am

If i do that on centos actually he is installing the kernel 4.9… is that normal ?

yum info kernel-ml
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: http://ftp.rezopole.net
* elrepo: lon.mirror.rackspace.com
* epel: mirror.de.leaseweb.net
* extras: http://ftp.rezopole.net
* nux-dextop: mirror.li.nux.ro
* updates: http://ftp.rezopole.net
Installed Packages
Name : kernel-ml
Arch : x86_64
Version : 4.9.0
Release : 1.el7.elrepo
Size : 169 M
Repo : installed
From repo : elrepo-kernel
Summary : The Linux kernel. (The core of any Linux-based operating system.)
URL : https://www.kernel.org/
License : GPLv2
Description : This package provides the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
: Linux-based operating system. The kernel handles the basic functions
: of the OS: memory allocation, process allocation, device I/O, etc.

SK December 14, 2016 - 1:58 pm

Completely normal. Go ahead and install it. Linux Kernel 4.9 is already out! We didn’t update this guide yet. We will update it soon.


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