Important Update:
Please don’t use Pacaur. It is out dated and discontinued. Use Yay AUR helper instead.
We already have covered the installation and usage of two AUR helpers namely Yay, Yaourt and Packer. Today, we are going to discuss about yet another AUR helper program called "Pacaur". It reduces the user interaction greatly while installing packages from AUR. Unlike Yaourt and Packer, Pacaur can install packages from both the official repositories and AUR. That said, Pacaur can be used by users who prefer to have a single tool to manage the official and AUR repositories, or by users who prefer to keep their AUR frontend separated from pacman. Also, the syntax of Pacaur is same as Pacman, the default package manager. So, you don't have to memorize commands. If you know how to use pacman, then it wouldn't be a problem to use Pacaur. It will also automatically prompt for sudo access when needed. It is built upon the well designed cower and expac C backends.
Table of Contents
Install Pacaur In Arch Linux
First, install the necessary dependencies.
sudo pacman -S expac yajl --noconfirm
Next, create a temporary working directory for building packages as normal user (Remember: not root user).
mkdir ~/tmp
Go to that directory and download and install Cower as shown below.
cd ~/tmp/
gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 1EB2638FF56C0C53
curl -o PKGBUILD
makepkg -i PKGBUILD --noconfirm
Then, download and install Pacaur package.
curl -o PKGBUILD
makepkg -i PKGBUILD --noconfirm
Finally, cleanup the temporary working directory:
rm -r ~/tmp
Like I said already, Pacaur supports all pacman operations (such as -S, -Ss, -Si, -Sw, -Su, -Qu, -Sc, -Scc) and by default extends respectively its sync, search, info, download only, system upgrade, upgrades check, clean and clean all functions to the AUR. However, this extension behavior is optional and can be disabled with the fallback variable in the config file.
To install a package, run:
pacaur -S <package-name>
To update a package:
pacaur -u <package-name>
Also, you can update the packages from both official repositories and AUR using command:
pacaur -Syyu
To update the packages only from AUR, run:
pacaur -u --noconfirm
For more details about Pacaur, refer man pages.
man pacaur
Also Read: How To Speed Up Compilation Process When Installing Packages From AUR
And, that's all for today. Hope you find this guide useful. We will be posting more useful guides every day. Keep visiting.
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Error: binary strip not found 🙁
Have a look at this thread.
I tried your way: On step 6—> Starting build()…
/home/manjaro/tmp/PKGBUILD: line 20: make: command not found
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
Install cmake and try.
Hey, Thank you. 🙂
Was skeptical, but then I looked at it.
and tried it.
Worked without a problem. 🙂