A little while ago, we were delighted to write about a commandline todo task manager called "Taskwarrior". Today, we will be discussing yet another todo manager called "Kanban.bash".
kanban.bash is not just a todo application, but also a very powerful tool to manage and measure productivity. Using this tool, you can manage your everyday tasks and measure each day's productivity to know how you perform in daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Install Kanban.bash in Linux
Installing Kanban.bash is quite easy!
Just, download the latest version using "wget" command:
$ wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coderofsalvation/kanban.bash/master/kanban"
And, make it as executable:
$ chmod 755 kanban
Start using it using command:
$ ./kanban
It's that simple.
If you're too lazy to type the full command, you can add it to your PATH and make an alias for it.
$ cp kanban ~/bin
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'alias k=kanban' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
Now, you can just type "k" to use Kanban.bash utility.
How to use Kanban.bash commandline todo manager
If you created an alias, you can just use"k" without quotes to use it. If you didn't create an alias, just use the full command i.e "./kanban".
I assume you have created alias for kanban.bash. From now on, I will use "k" instead of "./kanban".
To view the help section, just type:
$ k
Adding tasks
To add a task, run:
Enter the task description, choose a status (BACKLOG, HOLD, DOING, CODE, DONE), and enter a tag.
$ k add enter description: > Write an article about Bash.hash enter one of statuses: BACKLOG HOLD DOING CODE DONE > DOING enter one of tags: > Articles
Viewing tasks
To view the list of all tasks, run:
$ k list id status tag description history - - - - - 2 DOING Articles Write an article about Bash.hash D
You can also view the task by status like below.
$ k show DOING | DOING |------ | 2 Articles Write an article about Bash.hash
Editing Tasks
You can edit the tasks by using their id.
$ k <id>
The above command will edit the item that has id 2.
Updating tasks
Once you completed a task, you can mark them as done like below.
Viewing statuses
To view the stats, run:
$ k stats status DDONE 1 ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆
To view only the stats of completed tasks,
$ k stats status DONE
For more details, just type:
$ k
$ ./kanban
$ echo ‘alias k=./kanban’ >> ~/.bashrc
That won’t work, I think you meant:
$ echo ‘alias k=kanban’ >> ~/.bashrc
Sincce you moved kanban to a directory in your PATH
You’re absolutely right. Thanks for pointing it out. I fixed it now.