Home FAQ Distrochooser Helps Linux Beginners To Choose A Suitable Linux Distribution

Distrochooser Helps Linux Beginners To Choose A Suitable Linux Distribution

By sk
Published: Updated: 1.2K views

Howdy Linux newbies! Today, I have come up with a good news for you!! You might be wondering how to choose a suitable Linux distribution for you. Of course, you might already have consulted some Linux experts to help you to select a Linux distribution for your needs. And also you might have googled and gone through various resources, Linux forums, websites and blogs in the pursuit of finding perfect distro. Well, you need not to do that anymore. Meet Distrochooser, a website that helps you to easily find out a Linux distribution for you.

How Distrochooser will help Linux beginners choose a suitable Linux distribution?

The Distrochooser will ask you a series of questions and suggests you different suitable Linux distributions to try, based on your answers. Excited? Great! Let us go ahead and see how to find out a suitable Linux distribution. Click on the following link to get started.

Go to Distrochooser website

Go to Distrochooser website

You will be now redirected to Distrochooser home page where a small test is awaiting for you to enroll.

Distrochooser Helps Linux Beginners To Choose A Suitable Linux Distribution

Distrochooser Helps Linux Beginners To Choose A Suitable Linux Distribution

You need to answer a series of questions (16 questions to be precise). Both single choice and multiple choice questions are provided there. Here are the complete list of questions.

  1. Software: Use case
  2. Computer knowledge
  3. Linux Knowledge
  4. Installation: Presets
  5. Installation: Live-Test needed?
  6. Installation: Hardware support
  7. Configuration: Help source
  8. Distributions: User experience concept
  9. Distributions: Price
  10. Distributions: Scope
  11. Distributions: Ideology
  12. Distributions: Privacy
  13. Distributions: Preset themes, icons and wallpapers
  14. Distribution: Special features
  15. Software: Administration
  16. Software: Updates

Carefully read the questions and choose the appropriate answer(s) below the respective questions. Distrochooser gives more options to choose a near-perfect distribution.

  • You can always skip questions,
  • You can always click on 'get result',
  • You can answer in arbitrary order,
  • You can delete answers at any time,
  • You can weight properties at the end of the test to emphasize what is important to you.

After choosing the answer(s) for a question, click Proceed to move to the next question. Once you are done, click on Get result button. You can also clear the selection at any time by clicking on the "Clear" button below the answers.


I didn't expect that Distrochooser will exactly find what I am looking for. To my surprise, it indeed did a good job. The results were almost accurate to me. I was expecting Arch Linux in the result and indeed it was my top recommendation, followed by 11 other recommendations such as NixOS, Void Linux, Qubes OS, Scientific Linux, Devuan, Gentoo Linux, Bedrock Linux, Slackware, CentOS, Linux from scratch and Redhat Enterprise Linux. Totally, I got 12 recommendations and each result is very detailed along with distribution's description and home page link for each distribution.

distrochooser result

Distrochooser result

I posted Distrochooser link on Reddit and 80% of the users could be able to find suitable Linux distribution for them. However, I won't claim Distrochooser alone is enough to find good results for everyone. Some users are disappointed about the survey result and the result wasn't even close to what they use or want to use. So, I strongly recommend you to consult other Linux experts, websites, forums before trying any Linux. You can read the full Reddit discussion here.

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Mike August 2, 2018 - 4:29 pm

I use Manjaro almost 3 years and to my surprise result was close enough: Antergos. Still, I prefer Manjaro which was few places down the line. So all in all, distrochooser does a good job, although I think that newbie may be overwhelmed and confused my many questions and answers…

sk August 2, 2018 - 4:36 pm

Glad to know. I have been using Arch Linux and my top recommendation was Arch Linux, which is exactly what I was hoping for. And yes, the newbie will be overwhelmed. But the questions are simple and easy to understandable.


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