Home Dropbox How To Install Dropbox In Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop

How To Install Dropbox In Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop

By sk
Published: Updated: 923 views

Dropbox is a popular file hosting service that syncs your data across multiple devices. Dropbox allows you to store data up to 2 GB for free. You can directly access your Dropbox contents from a web browser or use a Dropbox client application. Dropbox clients are available for various operating systems including Android, iOS, Windows and GNU/Linux. In this guide, we will see how to install Dropbox in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS desktop edition.

Once the Dropbox client is installed, It will create a dedicated folder in the user's computer, and synchronize the contents of that folder to the dropbox's servers and to other computers and devices where the dropbox client installed. The user can access the same data at anytime, from anywhere, from any Internet-connected devices.

Install Dropbox In Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop

Dropbox client is available for both 32 bit and 64 bit systems. Download the Dropbox client from here depending upon the architecture you use.

Go to the location where you have downloaded the dropbox installer file and install it as shown below.

$ sudo apt-get install gdebi

Next install dropbox using command:

$ sudo gdebi dropbox_2015.10.28_amd64.deb

After a few seconds the following pop-up box will open and prompt you to start dropbox to finish the installation.

Click Start Dropbox to continue.

Start Dropbox
Start Dropbox

If the pop-up box is not displayed, you can manually start dropbox from the launcher.

Next click OK to download the propriety daemon.

Download Dropbox propriety daemon
Download Dropbox propriety daemon

Once the download process is completed, hit the Close button to exit the pop-up box.

As soon as you close the pop-box, the dropbox login page will automatically open in your default web browser.

Enter your dropbox username and password and click Sign in.

Login to Dropbox account
Login to Dropbox account

Congratulations! Your computer is successfully linked with your dropbox account.

Dropbox is linked with computer
Dropbox is linked with computer

You will now see a dedicated folder named "Dropbox" in your $HOME folder.

Install Dropbox in Ubuntu 18.04
Install Dropbox in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

You can keep your data in this folder to sync them across all your devices.

As you can see installing Dropbox on Ubuntu is a piece of cake. Even a Linux newbie can easily setup dropbox on Ubuntu within a few minutes. Install dropbox clients on all devices and start synchronizing your data.

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1 comment

rahulteja December 14, 2018 - 11:29 am

Thank you for the Tutorial.


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