Home Bash scripting Bash declare Command Usage With Examples

Bash declare Command Usage With Examples

By sk

The declare command in Bash is used to define, modify, and display variables and functions. In Bash Scripting, the primary purpose of declare command is to set attributes for Variables and Functions and display their current state.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the declare command in Bash scripts with examples on Linux.

1. Basic Usage of declare Command in Bash

1.1. Define a Variable

The declare command is often used to define variables with specific attributes.

declare my_var="Hello, World!"
echo "$my_var"
Declaring a Variable
Declaring a Variable

This works the same as a normal variable assignment (my_var="Hello, World!").

1.2. Make a Variable Uppercase

declare -u upper_var="hello world"
echo "$upper_var"  # Outputs "HELLO WORLD"

The -u flag converts the value of upper_var to uppercase.

1.3. Make a Variable Lowercase

declare -l lower_var="HELLO WORLD"
echo "$lower_var"  # Outputs "hello world"

The -l flag converts the value of lower_var to lowercase.

2. Listing Variables and their Values

2.1. List All Variables

declare -p

This shows all variables and their values.

2.2. List a Specific Variable

declare -p my_var


declare -- my_var="Hello, World!"

The declare -- means it’s a regular variable without special attributes.

3. Special Attributes with declare

3.1. Make a Variable Read-Only (-r)

Set a Read-Only Variable:

declare -r readonly_var="Fixed Value"
readonly_var="New Value"  # This will cause an error

The -r flag makes readonly_var read-only. Attempting to change it will result in an error. Once set, it cannot be changed.

3.2. Force a Variable to Be an Integer (-i)

Bash will treat the variable as a number and do calculations automatically.

declare -i num=10
echo "$num"  # Output: 15

The -i flag makes num an integer. If you assign a non-integer value, it will default to 0.

If you try to assign a non-numeric value, it will be ignored:

echo "$num"  # It will display 0.

3.3. Set a Variable as an Indexed Array

declare -a my_array=("apple" "banana" "cherry")

The -a flag makes my_array an indexed array.

To print the whole array, you can use:

echo "${my_array[@]}"

Sample Output:

apple banana cherry

To access individual elements from the array:

echo "${my_array[0]}"  # Output: apple
echo "${my_array[1]}"  # Output: banana
echo "${my_array[2]}"  # Output: cherry

Looping Through the Array:

for item in "${my_array[@]}"; do
    echo "$item"

Getting the Length of the Array:

echo "${#my_array[@]}"  # Output: 3

Adding a New Element:

echo "${my_array[@]}"  # Output: apple banana cherry date

Removing an Element:

To remove the second element (banana at index 1):

unset my_array[1]
echo "${my_array[@]}"  # Output: apple cherry date

3.4. Set a Variable as an Associative Array (Bash 4+)

declare -A my_assoc_array=([fruit]="apple" [color]="red")

This creates an associative array (also called a dictionary or hash map) in Bash, where keys (instead of numeric indexes) map to specific values.

The -A flag makes my_assoc_array an associative array (key-value pairs).

Accessing Elements:

echo "${my_assoc_array[fruit]}"   # Output: apple
echo "${my_assoc_array[color]}"   # Output: red

Printing All Keys:

echo "${!my_assoc_array[@]}"   # Output: fruit color

Printing All Values:

echo "${my_assoc_array[@]}"   # Output: apple red

Looping Through the Array:

for key in "${!my_assoc_array[@]}"; do
    echo "$key => ${my_assoc_array[$key]}"


fruit => apple
color => red

Adding a New Key-Value Pair:

echo "${!my_assoc_array[@]}"   # Output: fruit color shape
echo "${my_assoc_array[shape]}"   # Output: circle

Removing a Key

unset my_assoc_array[color]
echo "${!my_assoc_array[@]}"   # Output: fruit shape

Checking If a Key Exists:

if [[ -v my_assoc_array[fruit] ]]; then
    echo "Key 'fruit' exists!"


Key 'fruit' exists!

3.5. Export a Variable to Subshells (-x)

This makes a variable available to child processes.

declare -x my_env_var="Exported Value"

This command creates an environment variable (my_env_var) and makes it available to child processes (like a new Bash shell).

bash -c 'echo "$my_env_var"'  # Output: Exported Value

What Happens If We Don't Use declare -x?

my_env_var="Not Exported"
bash -c 'echo "$my_env_var"'

You will see an empty output.

Without -x, the variable exists only in the current shell and is not passed to child processes.

Alternatively, we can use export instead of declare -x.

export my_env_var="Exported Value"

Both declare -x and export make variables available to subshells.

4. Managing Functions with declare

4.1. Setting Attributes for Functions

As I already mentioned, the declare command allows you to set various attributes for variables and functions. For example, to make a Variable Local to a Function:

my_function() {
    declare -l local_var="This is local"
    echo "$local_var"

The -l flag makes local_var local to the function.

If you call the function:


The output will be:

this is local

Even though "This is local" has uppercase letters, declare -l forces all characters to lowercase.

4.2. List All Functions (-f)

declare -f

This shows all defined functions along with their contents.

4.3. List Only Function Names (-F)

declare -F

This shows just the function names without their definitions.

4.4. Export a Function

declare -xf my_function

The -xf flag makes my_function available to child processes (e.g., scripts or subshells).

5. Check if a Variable or Function Exists

The declare command can also be used to verify if a variable or function exists:

if declare -p variable_name &>/dev/null; then
    echo "Variable exists"

Replace variable_name with the actual name.

6. Remove Attributes

Remember we use -i when we declare a variable. We can use + instead of - to remove an attribute. For example:

declare +i num  # Removes the integer attribute from `num`.

You can now assign other attribute (E.g. a string) without any errors:


To verify it, print the variable value:

echo $num

It should output hello.

Please note that declare +i num removes the integer attribute but does not unset or delete the variable.

7. Unsetting Variables and Functions

We can remove variables or functions using unset command.

To remove a variable:

unset my_var

To remove a function:

unset -f function_name

Example: Combining Variable and Function Management

The following example shows how declare can be used for both variables and functions:

# Declare an integer variable
declare -i num=10

# Declare a read-only variable
declare -r readonly_var="This cannot be changed"

# Declare a function
my_function() {
    declare -l local_var="This is local"
    echo "$local_var"

# List all functions
declare -F

# View the definition of my_function
declare -f my_function

Summary of declare Options

-aDeclare an indexed array.
-ADeclare an associative array (Bash 4+).
-iDeclare an integer variable.
-rDeclare a read-only variable or function.
-xExport the variable or function to the environment.
-fDisplay the definition of a function.
-FDisplay the names of all functions.
-lConvert the value to lowercase (for variables).
-uConvert the value to uppercase (for variables).
-pDisplay the attributes and value of a variable.


The declare command is one of the useful commands in advanced Bash scripting. It is primarily used to:

  • Define and manage variables with specific attributes (e.g., integers, arrays, read-only),
  • Define and manage functions (e.g., list, view, or export them),
  • Set or remove attributes for variables and functions.

Hope this helps.

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