Home Linux How To Fix do-release-upgrade: command not found Error In Ubuntu

How To Fix do-release-upgrade: command not found Error In Ubuntu

By sk

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS version is out and everyone is probably upgrading their old Ubuntu version to latest Ubuntu 20.04 LTS right now. I already have upgraded my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS desktop to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Today, I decided to upgrade my Ubuntu server to 20.04 LTS. When I tried to upgrade the server, I get this error - sudo do-release-upgrade: command not found. If you encountered with the same error, here is a quick solution to fix do-release-upgrade: command not found Error In Ubuntu.

Fix do-release-upgrade: command not found Error In Ubuntu

I ran the following command to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 server:

$ sudo do-release-upgrade -d

We use "do-release-upgrade" command to upgrade Ubuntu servers that has no GUI environment.

Sample output:

sudo do-release-upgrade: command not found

To solve "do-release-upgrade: command not found" error in Ubuntu, you need to install "ubuntu-release-upgrader-core" package on your Ubuntu. It provides the "do-release-upgrade" command that allows the users to upgrade to the latest available Ubuntu using Ubuntu Release Upgrader.

To install this package, simply run the following command:

$ sudo apt install ubuntu-release-upgrader-core

After I have installed it, I can able to upgrade Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server without any problems.

Suggested read:

Hope this helps.

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