Home FAQ How to Install Fedora 24 workstation

How to Install Fedora 24 workstation

By sk

Fedora 24 is out and Fedora enthusiasts are installing and testing it to see what's new in this edition and how it works. We already have posted a guide to upgrade to Fedora 24 from Fedora 23 and earlier versions. In case you have Fedora 23 installed in your system and want to upgrade it to Fedora 24, check the following link.

For those who want to install a fresh Fedora 24 workstation, follow me.

Download Fedora 24 desktop edition from the following link.

To get Fedora 24 server edition click the following link.

After downloading Fedora 24 ISO, make a bootable USB or DVD. You can use any one of the following methods to create bootable USB drives.

Then boot your system either using USB or DVD.

Press ENTER to start the Fedora 24 live session. Click Install to Hard drive.

Select installation wizard language

Select installation wizard language

Select what language language would like to use during the the installation process. Click Continue.

Select Installation wizard language

Select Installation wizard language

Next installation summary for Fedora 24 will be displayed. If your system has connected with Internet 'Time & Date', 'Network & Hostname', and 'Keyboard' options will be automatically selected depending upon your regional settings. If the system hasn't connected with Internet, you can manually configure by clicking on the respective systems.

Then, Click 'Installation Destination' option.

Select partitioning method

Select partitioning method

Select the drive that you want to install Fedora and select the partitioning method. I will go with Automatic partition. You can select the partitioning method of your choice.

Then click Done on the top left corner to go back to the previous wizard.

Select hard drive & partitioning method.

Select hard drive & partitioning method.

Click Begin installation to continue.

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The installation process will start now. In the mean time, we can configure user settings.

First click 'Root Password' to set the administrative password for your Fedora system.

Set Root user password

Set Root user password

Type root user password twice. Make sure you have entered a strong password which is very hard to guess to secure your Fedora. Click Done to go back.

Type root user password

Type root user password

We have root user with strong password. Also, we need to create a normal system account.

To do so, click 'User Creation' option and type the user's name and password twice. Again, make sure you have entered a strong password. Select 'Make this user administrator' to allow the user to perform administrative tasks, and check the box 'Require a password to use this account' to prevent automatic login.

Click Done to go back

Create a normal system user

Create a normal system user

Wait for the installation process to complete. It won't be long.

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Once the installation is completed, remove the installation media, and click Quit to reboot.

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After restarting, select the user to log in.

Select the user to log in.

Select the user to log in.

Enter that user's password.

Enter user's password

Enter user's password

Congratulations! Here it is how Fedora 24 desktop looks like.

Fedora 24 desktop

Fedora 24 desktop

At first log in, the Genome initial setup screen will appear. Select the language and Click Next.

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Select your Keyboard layout and click Next.

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Select the Privacy settings of your choice and click Next.

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Connect to the online accounts such as Facebook, Gmail etc. You need Internet connection to do this.

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Finally, click Start using Fedora button.

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That's it. Your Fedora system is ready to use.

Here is my Fedora 24 system details:

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Fedora 24 default applications:

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Mozilla Firefox in Fedora 24:

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That's all for now. Start using Fedora 24 workstation.


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