Home Linux DistributionsArch Linux Install Lumina Desktop Environment in Linux and Unix

Install Lumina Desktop Environment in Linux and Unix

By sk
Published: Updated: 3.3K views

After four years of long development, Ken Moore, PC-BSD developer, has proudly announced the final and first official release of the Lumina desktop environment. Lumina DE is completely customizable, and extremely light-weight, and it works pretty good on old hardware. The Lumina desktop takes a “hands-off” approach to the utilities that are installed for users, allowing system administrators or operating system distributors to decide which applications are pre-installed or required as necessary. There are a few optional utilities which may be pre-installed alongside the Lumina desktop on various operating systems. These utilities are:

  • The “Insight” file manager.
  • lumina-fileinfo - This is used to view file properties or modify “*.desktop ” shortcuts.
  • lumina-screenshot - Screenshot application
  • lumina-textedit - A simple plaintext editor with some additional features like multi-tab support, syntax highlighting, line numbers, and find/replace functionality.

It can be installed on most Linux and Unix operating systems. However, the following are the recommended operating systems:

  • Arch Linux
  • Debian 8 “Jessie”
  • Debian Testing “Stretch” and Debian Unstable “Sid”
  • Fedora 22 and 23
  • FreeBSD
  • Gentoo Linux
  • Manjaro Linux
  • OpenBSD
  • OpenSUSE
  • PC-BSD
  • PCLinuxOS
  • Slackware
  • Ubuntu 15.10

In this tutorial, we will see how to install Lumina desktop environment in various Linux and Unix operating systems.

Install Lumina Desktop Environment

On Arch Linux:

Lumina is available in AUR. In order to install packages from AUR, you need to install any one of the following Pacman front-end tools like Packer or Yaourt as shown in the following links.

You don't have to install both tools. Just install packer or yaourt.

After installing packer or Yaourt, install Lumina DE using command:

packer -S lumina-desktop


yaourt -S lumina-desktop

Once Lumina DE is installed, log out, select Lumina DE from the login Menu, and log-in back.

On Ubuntu 15.10/16.04 LTS:

First of all, download the Lumina repository signing key and install it using commands:

wget http://ftp.lumina-desktop.org/wily/wily.key
sudo apt-key add wily.key

Next, Add Lumina DE repository:

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo wget http://ftp.lumina-desktop.org/lumina-wily.list

Finally, update the sources list and install Lumina DE packages using commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lumina-desktop

Once Lumina DE installed, just log out and select the Lumina DE from the login menu, and log in back.

On Debian 8 “Jessie”

First download the Lumina repository signing key and install it as shown below.

wget http://ftp.lumina-desktop.org/debian/lumina-debian.key
sudo apt-key add lumina-debian.key

Then, add Lumina desktop repository.

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo wget http://ftp.lumina-desktop.org/lumina-debian.list

Finally, update the repository lists and install Lumina desktop using commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lumina-desktop

After installing Lumina, just log out and select the Lumina DE from the login menu, and log in back.

On Debian Testing “Stretch” and Unstable “Sid”:

First, download the repository security key and install it as shown below:

wget http://apt.nanolx.org/photonic.asc
sudo apt-key add photonic.asc

Add Lumina DE repository:

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo wget http://ftp.lumina-desktop.org/lumina-testing.list

Update sources list and install Lumina DE with commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lumina-desktop

On Fedora 22 and Fedora 23:

Add Lumina repository on Fedora 22 using command:

sudo dnf config-manager –add-repo https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/thnewguy/lumina-desktop/repo/fedora-22/thnewguy-lumina-desktop-fedora-22.repo

In Fedora 23, add this repository using command:

sudo dnf config-manager –add-repo https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/thnewguy/lumina-desktop/repo/fedora-23/thnewguy-lumina-desktop-fedora-23.repo

Then, install Lumina DE using command:

sudo dnf install lumina-desktop

Once Lumina installed, just log out, select Lumina De from the login menu, and log-in back to Lumina DE.

On FreeBSD:

Lumina DE is available in the default repositories of FreeBSD. So, we can install it using command:

pkg install lumina

After installing it, just log out, select Lumina De from the login menu, and log-in back.

On Manjaro Linux:

Lumina DE packages are available in the Manjaro Community repositories.

You can install it either using the Graphical package manager or simply run the following command from the Terminal:

sudo pacman -S lumina-desktop

On OpenSUSE:

Lumina DE packages are available in the OpenSUSE package repository. Just install it using command:

sudo zypper install lumina-desktop

On PCLinuxOS:

The Lumina desktop is available as a package in the PCLinuxOS testing software repositories. To install Lumina on PCLinuxOS, run the following commands as the root user:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lumina-desktop
Lumina Desktop Environment screenshots:

Here is some screenshots of Lumina DE from Arch Linux desktop edition:

Lumina Desktop:

Lumina desktop

Lumina desktop

Lumina main menu:

Lumina main menu

Lumina main menu

Lumina File manager:

Lumina file manager

Lumina file manager

Lumina Terminal:

Lumina Terminal

Lumina Terminal

Lumina right click Menu:

Lumina right click menu

Lumina right click menu

Lumina configuration settings:

Lumina Configuration settings

Lumina Configuration settings

About Lumina:

Lumina Desktop Information

Lumina Desktop Information

Lumina is simple, minimal, and fast DE ever I have tested. It works just fine out of the box. If you have some old hardware, Lumina DE might be best option.

That's all for today. If you find this guide useful, please share it on your social networks and support OSTechNix.

Happy weekend!



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