Home FAQ Install MATE Desktop in FreeBSD 10.2

Install MATE Desktop in FreeBSD 10.2

By sk


In our previous tutorials, we have covered how to install GNOME and KDE desktop in FreeBSD 10.2.

Today, we'll see how to install MATE desktop in FreeBSD 10.2.

Log in to your FreeBSD. First install Xorg server. Xorg is the X Window server that allows users to use GUI environment.

To install xorg server in FreeBSD 10.2, run the following commands as root user:

pkg install xorg

sk@sk: ~_002

sk@sk: ~_003

Now, install MATE package using command:

pkg install mate

sk@sk: ~_001

This will take a while depending upon the speed of your Internet connection. Grab a cup of coffee.

MATE doesn't has it's own display manager, so we are going to install Slim display manager.

To do so, run:

pkg install slim

MATE requires /proc file system to be mounted automatically during system startup.

To do so, edit file /etc/fstab,

Note: For editing files, I prefer nano editor than vi editor. Nano editor is much friendly to me.

pkg install nano
nano /etc/fstab

Add the following line:

proc           /proc       procfs  rw  0   0

Save and close the file.

MATE uses D-Bus and HAL for a message bus and hardware abstraction. These applications are automatically installed as dependencies of MATE. We need to Enable them in /etc/rc.conf so they will be started when the system boots. Also, we need to enable the MATE session during system startup.

To do so, edit file /etc/rc.conf file,

nano /etc/rc.conf

Add the following lines:


Save and close the file.

Then, edit file .xinitrc:

nano .xinitrc

Add the following line. This will autostart MATE session at boot.

exec mate-session

Save and close the file. Finally, reboot your system.

Voila! Log in to your FreeBSD MATE desktop with your user name and password.

FreeBSD 10.2 [Running] - Oracle VM VirtualBox_005

That's it. Start using using the MATE desktop in FreeBSD 10.2.

FreeBSD 10.2 [Running] - Oracle VM VirtualBox_006

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Thanks for reading! Have a good day!!

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L D Williams September 13, 2016 - 8:08 pm

how to install multi desktops Gnome3, KDE, LXDE, MATE, and xfce with one (1)dislpay
manager to start desktop GUI on Freebsd 10.2 using the command prompt.
userid@foo:~$ startx kde
userid@foo:~$ startx gnome3
userid@foo:~$ startx lxde
userid@foo:~$ startx mate
userid@foo:~$ startx xfce

reply to L. D. Williams at e-mail Ldwmss@icloud.com and or ldwmss@icloud.com

SK September 14, 2016 - 10:59 am

I never tried multi-desktop in FreeBSD. Sorry, I couldn’t help you right now. I will post the details if I find anyway to install multi-desktop in BSD. Stay tuned.


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