Home Tips and Tricks Remove Your Internet Presence Completely In Minutes

Remove Your Internet Presence Completely In Minutes

By sk
Published: Updated: 503 views

Update: Deseat.me website is no longer available. Please find an alternative service.

A while ago, I was an Internet addict. I started to sign-up and create accounts on many websites, and blogs which I find interesting and useful. After a while using them, I felt like I am wasting so much time on unnecessary stuffs on Internet. Back then, I spent three to four hours to go through each site and deleted the accounts manually which I don't need anymore. That was an extremely time-consuming task. However, I freed myself from many sites almost. But you don't have spend hours, like I did, to delete the online accounts.  Here is a simple web service named Deseat.me that helps you to disappear from the Internet. You can either completely remove yourself from the Internet or you can keep few useful accounts and get rid of the rest. It's up to you.

Remove Your Internet Presence using Deseat.me

Deseat.me is a web service designed by two Swedish programmers named Wille Dahlbo and Linus Unnebäck. It allows you to remove all online accounts linked with your gmail id.

Go to the Deseat.me website and login with your Gmail id.


Once you logged in, Deseat.me will give you a list of all the accounts and services you have ever created an account for.

Please note that it will not show the accounts that are registered with other email services such as yahoo, hotmail etc.

Once you find out the unwanted accounts, just click to "add to delete queue" button to delete them. If you want to keep a account, just click on the "keep" button. That's it. The online accounts marked as keep will be moved to "My accounts" tab and the deleted accounts will be moved to "Deleted accounts" tab. You can, however, restore them if changed your mind later.

According to the Deseat.me developers, since Deseat.me uses Googles OAuth protocol, it will not access your login information. So, we don't need to concern about the security or privacy.

Fed up with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin or any other websites? Not any more! Just log in to the Deseat.me and get rid of the accounts.


  • https://www.deseat.me/

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