Home Linux Networking Display Network Bandwidth Utilization Using Bandwhich Tool

Display Network Bandwidth Utilization Using Bandwhich Tool

By sk
Published: Updated: 918 views

Bandwhich, previously known as What, is a command line, open source utility to display network bandwidth utilization by process, connection and remote IP or hostname. It sniffs the given network interface card and records IP packet size and finally cross reference it with the /proc filesystem on your Linux system or lsof command on Mac OS. It is written in Rust programming language and supports Linux and macOS.

Install Bandwhich in Linux

To install Bandwhich in Arch Linux and its variants, run:

$ sudo pacman -S bandwhich

bandwhich is available in COPR, and can be installed via DNF package manager:

$ sudo dnf copr enable atim/bandwhich
$ sudo dnf install bandwhich

Using Nix package manager:

$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.bandwhich

On other Linux distributions, you can install it using Cargo package manager.

To use Cargo package manager, you need to install Rust programming language as described in the link given below.

After installing Rust, install Bandwhich using command:

$ cargo install bandwhich

The above command will install bandwhich to ~/.cargo/bin/bandwhich. So you need to type the full path each time to run bandwhich as shown below.

$ sudo ~/.cargo/bin/bandwhich

To fix this, just move the bandwhich binary to your $PATH (E.g. /usr/local/bin/) by creating symbolic link like below.

$ sudo ln -s ~/.cargo/bin/bandwhich /usr/local/bin/

Now, you can simply run bandwhich using command:

$ sudo bandwhich

Please be mindful that since bandwhich sniffs network packets, it requires root privilege. So you must run it with sudo prefix.


You might be encountered with the following error when installing Bandwhich using Cargo.

Updating crates.io index
Installing bandwhich v0.6.0
Compiling libc v0.2.66
error: linker `cc` not found
= note: No such file or directory (os error 2)

To fix this error, try the following solution.

Display Network Bandwidth Utilization Using Bandwhich Tool

To display the current bandwidth utilization by process, connection, IP or hostname, run:

$ sudo bandwhich

Sample output from my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS desktop:

Display Network Bandwidth Utilization Using Bandwhich Tool
Display Network Bandwidth Utilization Using Bandwhich Tool

To stop, press Ctrl+c.

By default, Bandwhich will display the network utilization from all network interfaces. If you want Bandwhich to listen on a particular network card, for example wlp9s0, use -i flag.

$ sudo bandwhich -i wlp9s0

For help:

$ bandwhich --help
bandwhich 0.6.0

    bandwhich [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help          Prints help information
    -n, --no-resolve    Do not attempt to resolve IPs to their hostnames
    -r, --raw           Machine friendlier output
    -V, --version       Prints version information

    -i, --interface <interface>    The network interface to listen on, eg. eth0

Hope this helps.


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