Home Linux Display Network Information In Linux Using What IP Tool

Display Network Information In Linux Using What IP Tool

By sk
Published: Updated: 8.9K views

What IP is a simple graphical application used to display network information in Linux operating systems. Using What IP, anyone can easily find the IP address of local, public and virtual network interfaces. You can copy their IP addresses with a single mouse click.

Not just the IP address, What IP can also get you the list of available ports listening on your system, and check if they are publicly accessible. In addition, it lists the network devices on your LAN.

Another notable feature is it displays your geolocation based on the IP address. All details are displayed in a compact and simple graphical interface!

What IP is an open source application written using Python 3 and GTK3 widget toolkit. The source code is freely available in GitLab under GPL3 license.

Install What IP on Linux

What IP is packaged in flatpak format. So you can install it using flatpak command line interface. If you haven't installed flatpak yet on your Linux machine, refer the following guide:

After installing flatpak, run the following command to install What IP in Linux:

$ flatpak install flathub org.gabmus.whatip

What IP is also available in AUR. If you are on Arch Linux and its variants like Manjaro Linux, install What IP using AUR helper tools like Paru or Yay:

$ paru -S whatip-git


$ yay -S whatip-git

Display Network Information In Linux Using What IP

Launch What IP from menu or application launcher. You can also run What IP from the Terminal using the following command:

$ flatpak run org.gabmus.whatip

Here is how What IP default interface looks like:

Display Network Information In Linux Using What IP
Display Network Information In Linux Using What IP

As you see in the above screenshot, What IP's interface is very simple! It has the following three tabs at the bottom:

  1. IP
  2. Ports
  3. LAN

By default, it shows the IP address of your public interface, local (both wired and wireless) network interface and virtual network interface in the IP tab. Copying the IP addresses is just a mouse click away! Simply click the copy button next to the IP addresses to copy them to your clipboard.

Did you notice that it shows your location on the top (below the public IP address)? Yes, it is! What IP displays your geo-location based on your IP address, so you can easily verify if your VPN is working or not!

The Ports tab (second tab at the bottom) lists all the ports listening on your system.

List the ports listening on your system using What IP
List the ports listening on your system using What IP

To check if the ports are publicly reachable, click the globe button next to the port number. If the port is reachable, it will show a tick mark. If a port is not reachable, it will show a cross (x) mark.

The third tab is LAN. As the name says, it shows all network devices on your LAN. You can copy their IP addresses by clicking on the Copy button.

List all network devices on your LAN using What IP
List all network devices on your LAN using What IP

What IP is insanely simple! If you are looking for simple network information tool for your Linux desktop, What IP might a good choice! It just works exactly as advertised.

Don't need What IP anymore? Just remove it from your system by running the following command:

$ flatpak uninstall flathub org.gabmus.whatip


$ flatpak uninstall org.gabmus.whatip


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1 comment

Jalal November 1, 2020 - 10:58 am

Thanks a lot
Very useful article…


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