Home Internet hacks DuckDuckGo Bangs – Search Directly On Your Favorite Websites

DuckDuckGo Bangs – Search Directly On Your Favorite Websites

By sk
Published: Updated: 1.9K views

Google Search needs no introduction! It is the top most used web search engine on the Internet. Besides Google, there are also other search engines, such as Bing, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Ask.com, AOL.com and many. DuckDuckGo search engine is known for protecting the users' privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of personalized search results. It comes with plethora of additional features that you won't find on Google and other search engines. One of the notable feature is !bang. DuckDuckGo bangs allows you to search directly on your favorite websites and blogs, without having to visit them first.

Bangs are just shortcuts that quickly take you to search results on other sites. Usually, when you type a search query on a search engine, you will get many search results from different online sources. But DuckDuckGo bangs will get you directly to the intended website/blog faster.

Search Directly On Your Favorite Websites Using DuckDuckGo Bangs

Each !bang command will have an exclamation mark and the shortcut to the websites and blogs that you want to search.

The typical format of a DuckDuckGo bang is:

!<bang-name> <search-term>

For example, the shortcut(!bang, of course) for our OSTechNix blog is:


If you type "!ostech arch linux" on DuckDuckGo search bar, it will directly take you to our blog and display the results related to "arch linux" search term.

Take a look at the following animated demo:

Search Directly On Your Favorite Websites Using DuckDuckGo Bangs

See? You don't have visit the OSTechNix blog or use the search boxes in our blog. Just type your search term in DuckDuckGo's search bar and it will take you there immediately.

Similarly, you can search on other websites, for example Wikipedia, using shortcut !w <search-term>. For example, to search about Linux on Wikipedia, type the following query in DuckDuckGo search bar:

!w linux

To search a topic on Arch wiki, simply type:

!arch pacman

To search a video on Youtube, type:

!yt dennis ritchie

To search something on Amazon, type:

!a books

To search something directly on Reddit, type:

!r news

To go to a specific sub-reddit, type:

!sr ostechnix

Search directly on other Search engines from DuchDuckGo

You can even directly search on other search engines from DuckDuckGo. For example, to search on Google from DuckDUckGo, simply type "!google <search-term>" on the DuckDuckGo's search bar.


!google ostechnix

To search a image, for example Abdul kalam, on google images, type:

!googleimages abdul kalam

Similarly, type "!bing <search-term>" to search on Bing search engine from DuckDuckGo.

List bangs

Just type the exclamation mark (!), and you will see the list of popular !bangs.

DuckDuckGo Bangs

DuckDukGo will also list the suggestions as you type the first few letters of a bang name.

Thousands of Bangs are available to easily and quickly search any queries on any websites from DuckDuckGo. As of writing this guide, approximately 13,350+ bangs are available and still counting.

You can see the complete list of websites, blogs and their bangs in this link.

You can also submit your own here.

Suggested read:

I have been using DuckDuckGo bangs for a couple months now. I must admit that !bangs are very good for finding stuffs faster on a specific website and blog. Give it a go and you will like it too.


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1 comment

Walk The Plank January 27, 2020 - 10:54 pm

I made a switch to Duck quite some time ago from Google. Really happy so far and have zero problems. Initially wanted to try it because I saw it on Reddit thread being recommended as a really good alternative to well-known ones such as Google, Bing, Rambler, Yahoo, etc. The main reason being that it shows you non-personalized results that are purely based on the actual pair of search/result data and maximum relevancy without anything else in the mix. And also, that’s pretty much the only way to go for anyone who cares about one’s private information being, well, private.


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