Home Command line utilities How To Easily Find Awesome Projects And Resources Hosted In GitHub

How To Easily Find Awesome Projects And Resources Hosted In GitHub

By sk
Published: Updated: 629 views

Everyday there are hundreds of new additions to the GitHub website. Since GitHub has thousands of stuffs, you would be exhausted when searching for a good project. Fortunately, a group of contributors have made a curated lists of awesome stuffs hosted in GitHub. These lists contains a lot of awesome stuffs grouped under different categories such as programming, database, editors, gaming, entertainment and many more. It makes our life much easier to find out any project, software, resource, library, books and all other stuffs hosted in GitHub. A fellow GitHub user went one step ahead and created a command-line utility called "Awesome-finder" to find awesome projects and resources on awesome series repositories. This utility helps us to browse through the curated list of awesome lists without leaving the Terminal, without using browser of course.

In this brief guide, I will show you how to easily browse through the curated list of awesome lists in Unix-like systems.

Installing Awesome-finder

Awesome-Finder supports only Python 3+. Awesome can be easily installed using pip, a package manager for installing programs developed using Python programming language. Make sure you have installed pip in your Linux system.

Once PIP installed, run the following command to install ‘Awesome-finder’ utility.

$ pip install awesome-finder


$ pip3 install awesome-finder

Easily Find Awesome Projects And Resources Hosted In GitHub Using Awesome-finder

Awesome-finder currently lists the stuffs from the following awesome topics (repositories, of course) from GitHub site:

  • awesome
  • awesome-android
  • awesome-elixir
  • awesome-erlang
  • awesome-go
  • awesome-ios
  • awesome-java
  • awesome-javascript
  • awesome-nodejs
  • awesome-php
  • awesome-python
  • awesome-ruby
  • awesome-rust
  • awesome-scala
  • awesome-swift
  • awesome-vue

This list will continue to grow on regular basis. So keep an eye on the list.

Now, let us go ahead find the awesome stuffs hosted in GitHub. For instance, to view the curated list from awesome-go repository, just type:

$ awesome-hub go

You will see all popular stuffs written using "Go", sorted by alphabetical order.

Awesome go repository

Awesome go repository

You can navigate through the list using UP/DOWN arrows. Once you found the stuff you looking for, choose it and hit ENTER key to open the link in your default web browser.


  • "awesome-hub android" command will search the awesome-android repository.
  • "awesome-hub awesome" command will search the awesome repository.
  • "awesome-hub elixir" command will search the awesome-elixir.
  • "awesome-hub ios" will search the awesome-ios.
  • "awesome-hub java" will search the awesome-java.
  • "awesome-hub javascript" will search the awesome-javascript.
  • "awesome-hub php" will search the awesome-php.
  • "awesome-hub python" will search the awesome-python.
  • "awesome-hub ruby" will search the awesome-ruby.
  • "awesome-hub rust" will search the awesome-rust.
  • "awesome-hub scala" will search the awesome-scala.
  • "awesome-hub swift" will search the awesome-swift.
  • And so on.

Also, it automatically displays the suggestions as you type in the prompt. For instance when I type "dj", it displays the stuffs related to Django.

Repository suggestion with Awesome-finder

Repository suggestion with Awesome-finder

If you wanted to find the awesome things from latest awesome-<topic> (not use cache), use -f or --force flag:

$ awesome-hub <topic> -f (--force)


$ awesome-hub python -f


$ awesome-hub python --force

The above command will display the curated list of stuffs from awesome-python GitHub repository.

Awesome, isn't it?

To exit from this utility, press ESC key.

To display help, type:

$ awesome-hub -h


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Steffie December 28, 2023 - 7:39 am

When running awesome-hub I only get a traceback error message. After some searching I found out that awesome is only compatible up to Python 3.9. Is there a way to make this compatible in Python3.11? or are there alternatives with which you can search for awesome lists?
Say thank you in advance and wish the ostechnix team a happy new year in 2024

sk December 28, 2023 - 12:12 pm

It appears to me that the project is not actively maintained. The last update was 3 years ago. Please open an issue in the project’s github page. May the developer fix it. Happy New Year!

Steffie December 28, 2023 - 2:16 pm

thanks for the quick reply. I was able to solve the problem a few minutes ago…LOL…I did some reading and found out that in addition to the current Python version, you can also install older versions. I installed Python3.9, used it to create a temp-env and in the temp-env I was able to install the awesome-finder as normal with pip and didn’t even need pipx


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