A while ago, we wrote an article about Cmus - a small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems. Today, we will be discussing about yet another console music player named "Musikcube". It is also a commandline music player and It has some cool features such as multi-platform support and streaming audio capability across multiple devices. It supports GNU/Linux, Mac OS, Raspberry Pi, and Windows.
Table of Contents
Installing Musikcube
On Arch Linux and its derivatives, Musikube can be installed from AUR using helper tools such as Yay.
$ yay -S musikcube
For Debian, Ubuntu and other DEB based systems, download the latest .deb file from releases page and install it as shown below. As of writing this guide, the latest version was 0.26.0.
$ wget https://github.com/clangen/musikcube/releases/download/0.26.0/musikcube_0.26.0_zesty_amd64.deb
$ sudo apt-get install gdebi
$ sudo gdebi musikcube_0.26.0_zesty_amd64.deb
If you'd like to install Musikcube from source, refer the build instructions for Linux to manually compile and install it yourself.
How To Use Musikcube Commandline Music Player
Once installed, type musikcube in the Terminal to launch it.
$ musikcube
You will pleased with the welcome page. Select OK to get started.
This is how Musikcube interface looks like. By default, you will be landed into settings view.
For main view switching, use the following keys.
- ~ - Switch to console view.
- a - Switch to library view.
- s - Switch to settings view.
Here is the list of keys to do general navigation around Musikcube. These keys can't be changed.
- ESC - Focus/defocus the command bar (the bottom bar that contains settings, library, console, quit options)
- TAB - Select next window
- SHIFT+TAB - Select previous window
- ENTER - Activate or toggle the selected item
- M-ENTER - Show context menu for the selected item (M means META, which is left ALT key. So, press ALT+M to show the context menu)
- UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN, HOME and END should all behave as you'd expect.
- CTRL+D - Quit Musikcube.
Adding media files
Switch to the Settings view by pressing "s". Then, press choose the folder on the left side where you have stored your music files and press SPACEBAR to add the music folders to the library.
To remove the added music folders, choose them and hit BACKSPACE key.
Once you added all music files, hit "a" to switch to Library view and choose any song from the list and press ENTER key to start playing the selected music file.
To pause/resume the playback, press CTRL-P. To stop the playback, press CTRL-X.
Here is the complete list of keys for playback:
- i - volume up 5%
- k - volume down 5%
- j - previous track
- l - next track
- m - toggle volume mute
- u - back 10 seconds
- o - forward 10 seconds
- . - toggle repeat mode (off/track/list)
- , - (un)shuffle play queue
- v - show / hide visualizer
- ^P - pause/resume (globally)
- ^X - stop (unload streams, free resources)
Note: ^ means CTRL key. You can change all keyboard shortcuts as per your wish by editing ~/.musikcube/hotkeys.json file. For the complete list of control keys to manage music files, refer the Musikcube user guide.
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