Home Linux troubleshooting Fix “pkg-config command could not be found” Error on Debian

Fix “pkg-config command could not be found” Error on Debian

By sk

When I try to setup Simple HTTP Server in my Debian 12 system, I encountered with this error: pkg-config command could not be found. This error indicates that the pkg-config tool is missing on your Debian 12 system. Let's address this issue and get the Simple HTTP Server installed.

Understanding the Error

The error "The pkg-config command could not be found" occurs because the Rust build process for Simple HTTP Server depends on pkg-config to locate and configure certain system libraries.

Fix "pkg-config command could not be found" Error

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

Update package lists:

sudo apt update

Install pkg-config:

sudo apt install pkg-config

Install additional development libraries:

sudo apt install libssl-dev

This package provides SSL development files, which are often required for Rust projects involving networking.

Retry the Simple HTTP Server installation:

cargo install simple-http-server

Additional Troubleshooting

If you encounter further issues, consider the following.

Ensure your Rust toolchain is up-to-date:

rustup update

Check for any missing dependencies:

sudo apt install build-essential

If SSL-related errors persist, you may need to specify the SSL library path and then try to install Simple HTTP Server again using commands:

export OPENSSL_DIR=/usr/lib/ssl
cargo install simple-http-server


  • pkg-config is a helper tool used to retrieve information about installed libraries in the system.
  • libssl-dev provides necessary files for SSL support, which is crucial for HTTPS functionality in the Simple HTTP Server.
  • build-essential includes compilation tools that might be needed for building Rust projects from source.

By installing these packages, you provide the necessary tools and libraries for the Rust compiler to build and install the Simple HTTP Server successfully on your Debian 12 system.

After completing these steps, you should be able to install and use the Simple HTTP Server without the pkg-config error.

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