Home Command line utilities Install Essential Applications In Ubuntu Using SimpleSH

Install Essential Applications In Ubuntu Using SimpleSH

By sk

Today, we are going to discuss about SimpleSH, a simple BASH script to install essential applications in Ubuntu and its variants like Linux Mint. Using SimpleSH, anyone can choose and install their favorite applications easily and quickly in Ubuntu-based systems. It offers almost all necessary software which are required for your day-to-day operations.

The complete list of tools and applications included in the SimpleSH utility is given below:

General system tools

  • indicator.sh - Install system load indicator.
  • ohmyzsh.sh - Install oh-my-zsh.
  • phonegap.sh - Install Phonegap, mobile app builder.
  • prezto.sh - Install Prezto (for Zsh).
  • update.sh - Keep the list of sources updated.
  • upgrade.sh - Upgrade all of the system's packages.
  • vim.sh - Install the vim editor.

Server side applications

  • ajenti.sh - Install the Ajenti admin panel.
  • lamp.sh - Install the LAMP stack.
  • n98.sh - Install the n98 magerun cli tools for Magento Developers.
  • nginx.sh - Install the LEMP stack.
  • wpcli.sh - Install the WP CLI, a command line interface for WordPress.

Desktop applications

  • atom.sh - Install the Atom editor.
  • brackets.sh - Install the Brackets editor.
  • brave.sh - Installs Brave web browser with AdBlocker.
  • chrome.sh - Install Chrome web browser.
  • chromium.sh - Install Chromium web browser.
  • composer.sh - Install Composer.
  • digikam.sh - Install Digikam photo manager.
  • docker.sh - Install Docker.
  • dropbox.sh - Install Dropbox.
  • firefoxdev.sh - Install Firefox Developer Edition.
  • flatpak.sh - Install Flatpak.
  • gimp.sh - Install Gimp.
  • go.sh - Install Go programming language.
  • googledrive.sh - Install Google Drive.
  • musique.sh - Install Musique Player.
  • nodejs.sh - Install Node.js.
  • phpstorm-10.sh - Install PHPStorm version 10.x.x.
  • phpstorm-9.sh - Install PHPStorm version 9.x.x.
  • phpstorm.sh - Install PHPStorm version 8.x.x.
  • pycharm-pro.sh - Install PyCharm Professional edition.
  • pycharm.sh - Install PyCharm Community edition.
  • rubymine.sh - Install RubyMine.
  • spotify.sh - Install Spotify.
  • sublimetext.sh - Install Sublime Text 3 editor.
  • terminator.sh - Install Terminator.
  • yarn - Install Yarn.
  • vscode.sh - Install Visual Studio Code.

If you think your favorite application is missing, you can send a request to the developer via the official GitHub page given at the end of this guide.

Install SimpleSH On Ubuntu

Installing SimpleSH on Ubuntu is trivial. All you have to do is just download the latest SimpleSH version using Wget or Curl, extract the downloaded zip file with unzip and run it. It is that simple!  Just in case, either of these tools tools are missing on your system, you can install them using APT package manager like below:

$ sudo apt install wget curl unzip

Run the following commands one by one to SimpleSH using Wget:

$ wget -qO- -O simplesh.zip https://github.com/rafaelstz/simplesh/archive/master.zip
$ unzip simplesh.zip && rm simplesh.zip

Finally, go to the location where you've extracted the archive and launch SimpleSH like below:

$ cd simplesh-master/
$ bash simple.sh

Using Curl:

$ curl -L https://github.com/rafaelstz/simplesh/archive/master.zip -o simplesh.zip
$ unzip simplesh.zip && rm simplesh.zip

To launch SimpleSH, run:

$ cd simplesh-master/
$ bash simple.sh

Install Essential Applications In Ubuntu Using SimpleSH Script

Once you started SimpleSH script using command "bash simple.sh", it will list all the available commands and applications.

Install Essential Applications In Ubuntu Using SimpleSH Script

Install Essential Applications In Ubuntu Using SimpleSH Script

Just enter the name of the application you want to install in the Terminal prompt and hit ENTER key to start installing it.

For example, to install indicator.sh, simple type it's name and press ENTER:

Install Indicator app In Ubuntu Using SimpleSH

Install Indicator app In Ubuntu Using SimpleSH

The script will automatically add the necessary software sources and PPAs and install the chosen application.

To update the source list, type and ENTER the following:


To upgrade all system's packages, type and ENTER:


Please note that SimpleSH is not completely non-interactive. You will have to enter the password or something wherever necessary.

For example, let us say you want to setup a LAMP server. To do so, type:


This will install complete LAMP stack(Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin) in your Ubuntu system.

Install Lamp stack using SimpleSH on Ubuntu

Install Lamp stack using SimpleSH on Ubuntu

Select the web server that should be automatically configured to run phpMyAdmin. In this case, I am selecting Apache2.

Install Lamp stack using SimpleSH on Ubuntu 1

Next, you will be asked to configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common. Choose Yes and hit ENTER to continue.

Install Lamp stack using SimpleSH on Ubuntu 2

Enter a password for "phpmyadmin" user to register with the database server and hit ENTER:

Install Lamp stack using SimpleSH on Ubuntu 3

Re-enter password:

Install Lamp stack using SimpleSH on Ubuntu 4

As you can see, User input is still required at times. SimpleSH simply makes the the process of installing packages manually one by one.

Similarly, you can install other applications as well. Once you have installed all required applications, type "e" to exit SimpleSH script.

As the name implies, SimpleSH is very simple to install and use. If you're a lazy admin who is looking for an easy way to install some essential applications on your Ubuntu-based systems, SimpleSH script is good to go!


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1 comment

Victor R March 21, 2018 - 7:09 am

Good for beginners and save time configuring and installing by ourselves these apps.


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