Telegram desktop client version 1.0 has been released, and it looks pretty stunning! Telegram is the best open source messaging app for WhatsApp, which is used by millions of users around the world to send and receive messages from anywhere. This latest version comes with fabulous modern design with great animations and customizable themes. It will synchronize messages between your phone and PC with the help of Telegram's encrypted cloud. Telegram has introduced a cool feature called Cloud drafts. Now, You can start typing the message in your Phone and leave it unfinished, and then continue the draft message later either from your phone or PC.
Another notable feature is picture-in-picture. This feature allows you to shrink the YouTube and Vimeo videos, drag it to anywhere in the chat screen. So, you can watch or listen the videos while messaging with someone. This feature is available only in iOS now. But I hope the developers will bring this feature to all platforms soon. Also, we can now view the entire set of profile pictures of a group, instead of just the latest one. Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram is purely cloud-based messaging app. So, you can access your messages, photos, files, videos from all devices at once.
In a nutshell, Telegram is a multi-platform, open source, and secure messaging app that can be used to send and receive messages, files, media files from any devices, including smartphones, tablets, and Computers.
Table of Contents
Install Telegram Desktop In Linux
Telegram is a cross-platform app, so It will work on Android, Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
In this brief tutorial, I have included various methods to install Telegram client in Linux desktop.
Install Telegram Desktop From Source
This method is common to all Linux distributions. Download the latest Telegram desktop version from the following link depending upon the your architecture.
Or, run the following command to download it from Terminal.
Extract it using command:
tar -xf tsetup.1.0.0.tar.xz
Go to the extracted folder, and run Telegram desktop client as shown below:
cd Telegram/
You will see Telegram welcome screen.
Select your Country, and Enter your mobile number.
You will receive a verification code in your mobile. Enter the number in the next screen. Then, Enter your first name and last name and click Next. That's it. Now you can use Telegram desktop client from your Linux desktop.
Telegram usage is same as WhatsApp. Add your contacts and start chatting!
Install Telegram Desktop On Arch Linux from AUR
We can install Telegram desktop from AUR repository in Arch Linux and its derivatives. To install packages from AUR, we need to install either Yaourt or Packer.
Next, you can install Telegram desktop using command:
yaourt -S telegram-desktop
packer -S telegram-desktop
Install Telegram Desktop On Ubuntu using PPA
Telegram desktop is available as snap package or you can install it using PPA.
To install Telegram snap package, run:
sudo snap install telegram-sergiusens
To install Telegram desktop using PPA, run the following commands one by one:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install telegram
Install Telegram Desktop On Fedora, RHEL, CentOS using Copr repository
Telegram official desktop client is available in Copr repository for Fedora, RHEL, CentOS. To install it, run the following commands from the Terminal:
sudo dnf copr enable rommon/telegram
sudo dnf install telegram-desktop
Once installed, launch it either from the Menu or Dash and configure it with your mobile number as the way I did above, and start messaging with your friends.