Today I stumbled upon a fun command line script named Bash-insulter. The Bash-insulter script insults the users when they type a wrong command. Using bash-insulter, you can make the users uncomfortable by displaying funny and insulting words when they run a misspelled command in the Terminal. It will work on any Linux and Unix-like operating systems that contains BASH Shell version 4 and newer and Zsh.
Bash-insulter script insults users when typing wrong command
Make sure you have installed Git. If it is not installed already, use your default package manager to install it. For example, you can install GIT using the following command in any DEB based system:
$ sudo apt install git
Then, git clone the Bash-insulter repository:
$ git clone bash-insulter
Copy the script to your /etc/ folder.
$ sudo cp bash-insulter/src/bash.command-not-found /etc/
Edit /etc/bash.bashrc
$ sudo vi /etc/bash.bashrc
Add the following lines:
if [ -f /etc/bash.command-not-found ]; then . /etc/bash.command-not-found fi
Press ESC key and type :wq
to save and close the file.
Finally, run the following command to update the changes.
$ source /etc/bash.bashrc
Now, type some wrong command to see how it insults you.
$ unam -a $ clca
LOL! Funny, isn't? The script author has added the insults that doesn't offend much any one. You can, however, add your own insults as you wish.
To do so, edit /etc/bash.command-not-found
$ sudo vi /etc/bash.command-not-found
Add something as you wish within local insults directive.
command_not_found_handle () { local INSULTS=( "Boooo!" "Don't you know anything?" "RTFM!" "Hahaha, n00b!" "Wow! That was impressively wrong!" "What are you doing??" "Pathetic" "The worst one today!" "n00b alert!" "Your application for reduced salary has been sent!" "lol" "u suk" "lol... plz" "plz uninstall" "And the Darwin Award goes to.... ${USER}!" "ERROR_INCOMPETENT_USER" "Incompetence is also competence" "Bad." "Fake it till you make it!" "What is this...? Amateur hour!?" "Come on! You can do it!" "Nice try." "What if... you type an actual command the next time!" "What if I told you... it is possible to type valid commands." "Y u no speak computer???" "This is not Windows" "Perhaps you should leave the command line alone..." "Please step away from the keyboard!" "error code: 1D10T" "ACHTUNG! ALLES TURISTEN UND NONTEKNISCHEN LOOKENPEEPERS! DAS KOMPUTERMASCHINE IST NICHT FÜR DER GEFINGERPOKEN UND MITTENGRABEN! ODERWISE IST EASY TO SCHNAPPEN DER SPRINGENWERK, BLOWENFUSEN UND POPPENCORKEN MIT SPITZENSPARKEN. IST NICHT FÜR GEWERKEN BEI DUMMKOPFEN. DER RUBBERNECKEN SIGHTSEEREN KEEPEN DAS COTTONPICKEN HÄNDER IN DAS POCKETS MUSS. ZO RELAXEN UND WATSCHEN DER BLINKENLICHTEN." "Pro tip: type a valid command!" "Go outside." "This is not a search engine." "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻" "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" "So, I'm just going to go ahead and run rm -rf / for you." "Why are you so stupid?!" "Perhaps computers is not for you..." "Why are you doing this to me?!" "Don't you have anything better to do?!" "I am _seriously_ considering 'rm -rf /'-ing myself..." "This is why you get to see your children only once a month." "This is why nobody likes you." "Are you even trying?!" ) # Seed "random" generator RANDOM=$(date +%s%N) VALUE=$((${RANDOM}%2)) if [[ ${VALUE} -lt 1 ]]; then printf "\n $(tput bold)$(tput setaf 1)$(shuf -n 1 -e "${INSULTS[@]}")$(tput sgr0)\n\n" fi echo "-bash: $1: command not found" # Return the exit code normally returned on invalid command return 127 }
I have added some aggressive insults. See yourself in below screenshot.
Disclaimer: Neither we nor the author of this script are responsible if you offended someone's feelings either intentionally or accidentally using this script. This script is purely for fun and entertainment purpose. Have fun!
git clone bash-insulter
does NOT WORK.
I just checked it. It works for me.