Home Kubernetes How To Deploy Kubernetes Cluster On AWS With Amazon EKS

How To Deploy Kubernetes Cluster On AWS With Amazon EKS

Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with Elastic Kubernetes Service

By Rudhra Sivam
Published: Updated: 1.8K views

In this article, we are going to learn about how to deploy a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Amazon EKS and how to install and configure AWS CLI and Kubectl to interact with the EKS cluster from commandline in Linux.

Before deploying Kubernetes cluster on AWS cloud using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, make sure you have an AWS account. If you don't have an AWS account, check our Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS) article to know how to create one.

1. Setup EKS Cluster (Master Node)

To create an EKS cluster in AWS, you need to have an IAM role created in hand.

1.1. Create IAM role

Amazon EKS-managed Kubernetes clusters make calls on your behalf to other AWS services to manage the resources you utilize with the service.

You must first create an IAM role with the following IAM policy before you may construct Amazon EKS clusters:


Login to your AWS console and search for 'IAM'. Select the IAM service to get into IAM Console.

Search IAM Service
Search IAM Service

Choose Roles in the left side options and then click Create role.

Create role
Create role

Select AWS services and select 'EKS – Cluster' in the Use cases options. Once selected, click 'Next' to proceed.

Select trusted entity for role
Select trusted entity for role

Make sure 'AmazonEKSClusterPolicy' is added, by default it will be added as we selected EKS-Cluster in the use cases. Click Next to proceed further.

Add permission to role
Add permission to role

In the next step, set the role name. Here, we are naming the role as 'ostechnix_eks'. Review all the parameters and click 'create' at the end to create the role.

Set role name
Set role name

Here we don’t add any tags for this role. If we are dealing with multiple resources, it will be useful having tags to manage, identify and filter resources.

Create IAM role
Create IAM role

A new role named 'ostechnix_eks' has been just created.

IAM role created for EKS Cluster
IAM role created for EKS Cluster

1.2. Create EKS Cluster

Go to AWS Console and search with 'EKS'. Select the 'Elastic Kubernetes Service' to get into the EKS console.

Search EKS Service
Search EKS Service

From the 'Add cluster' drop down box, choose 'create' cluster option.

Add new EKS cluster
Add new EKS cluster

You will get the ‘Configure Cluster’ page where you can name the cluster, select the Kubernetes version and select the cluster service role that we created in the previous step.

Here, we named the cluster as 'ostechnix', and selected the Kubernetes version 1.21.

Configure Cluster
Configure Cluster

If you did not find the role, refresh the roles. Select the role and click 'next' to proceed.

Refresh roles
Refresh roles

In this ‘Specify Networking’, you need to configure the networking. Here we are proceeding with default options.

Select the existing VPC, VPC is Virtual Private Cloud where you can create AWS resources in the Virtual Network that you have defined. Proceed with the default subnets available in the default VPC.

Choose IPv4 as the Cluster IP address family. It is the default one.

Specify networking details
Specify networking details

Choose 'Public' for Cluster End Point access which enables only public access to your cluster. If you choose 'Private', it enables only private access to your cluster. Here, we are proceeding with Public which is the default one.

You can proceed with the default 'Networking Add-ons' and click 'Next'.

End Point access and Networking Add-ons
Enter End Point access and Networking Add-ons details

You will get 'Configure logging' page where you can select which log types that you want to enable. By default, all the types are disabled. Click 'Next' to proceed.

Configure logging details
Configure logging details

You will get 'Review and Create' page. Review all the details we configured and click 'Create' at the bottom.

Create EKS cluster
Create EKS cluster

Cluster creation will be in progress. It will take couple of minutes to get created.

EKS Cluster creation in progress
EKS Cluster creation in progress

A new EKS Cluster named 'ostechnix' is created. You can verify in AWS Console?Amazon EKS?Clusters.

EKS Cluster state
EKS Cluster state

Next, we need to install and configure AWS CLI and Kubectl to interact with the EKS cluster from commandline.

To configure AWS CLI credentials, you need to create security credentials in AWS IAM.

2. Create Security Credentials

Log into AWS console and search with IAM. Select IAM to get into the IAM console.

Search for IAM service
Search for IAM service

Select 'My security credentials' option available in the right to create and manage your security credentials.

Select My Security Credentials option
Select My Security Credentials option

Click on 'Access Keys' drop down box and click 'Create New Access Key' option.

Create new access key
Create new access key

Once you click the 'Create New Access Key' option, the key will be created. Download the key to configure AWS CLI in Linux machine. You can view the key by checking 'Show Access key'.

Create Access Key
Create Access Key

In this demonstration the key is,

  • Secret Access Key: jicg/UZyZfb92zuYNnEAE0MVSJisHb0Mlgac2Doe

3. Install AWS CLI

AWS CLI is a command-line interface that brings all AWS services together in a single terminal, allowing you to operate numerous AWS services with a single tool.

Use the below curl command to download the installation file. Here, we are using 'CentOS Stream' to install and configure AWS CLI.

[root@ostechnix ~]# curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"

Unzip the installer file using the below command.

[root@ostechnix ~]# unzip awscliv2.zip

Install AWS CLI using the below command.

[root@ostechnix ~]# ./aws/install
You can now run: /usr/local/bin/aws --version

Verify the version using the above mentioned command.

[root@ostechnix ~]# /usr/local/bin/aws --version
aws-cli/2.4.17 Python/3.8.8 Linux/4.18.0-358.el8.x86_64 exe/x86_64.centos.8 prompt/off
Check AWS version
Check AWS version

4. Configure AWS CLI

Use the below command to configure the AWS CLI. It will ask for the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key that we generated in section 2.

[root@ostechnix ~]# /usr/local/bin/aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: jicg/UZyZfb92zuYNnEAE0MVSJisHb0Mlgac2DOe
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:
[root@ostechnix ~]#
Configure AWS CLI
Configure AWS CLI

5. Install Kubectl

Kubernetes communicates with the cluster API server via the kubectl command line utility.

Use the below curl command to download Amazon EKS vended kubectl binary from Amazon S3.

[root@ostechnix ~]# curl -o kubectl https://amazon-eks.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/1.21.2/2021-07-05/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl

Add execute permission to the binary using below command.

[root@ostechnix ~]# chmod +x ./kubectl

Copy this binary to the folder in your path and export the $PATH.

[root@ostechnix ~]# mkdir -p $HOME/bin && cp ./kubectl $HOME/bin/kubectl && export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

Export the PATH to ~/.bashrc:

[root@ostechnix ~]# echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc

Kubectl is installed, you can verify the version using the below command.

[root@ostechnix ~]# kubectl version --short --client
Client Version: v1.21.2-13+d2965f0db10712
Check Kubectl version
Check Kubectl version

6. Configure Kubectl

Right now kubectl does not know where the EKS Master node is located in AWS. We need to let kubectl know where the Master server is located by mentioning the region name and cluster name.

Use the below command to check the status of the EKS Cluster.

[root@ostechnix ~]# /usr/local/bin/aws eks --region ap-south-1 describe-cluster --name ostechnix --query cluster.status
Check EKS Cluster status
Check EKS Cluster status

Update the kubeconfig file to use kubectl to interact with the EKS cluster. It will fetch all the configurations from Master node to kubeconfig file.

[root@ostechnix ~]# /usr/local/bin/aws eks --region ap-south-1 update-kubeconfig --name ostechnix
Added new context arn:aws:eks:ap-south-1:411756528146:cluster/ostechnix to /root/.kube/config

Verify the kubectl by checking the service using the below command. You can ensure the Kubectl is able to connect with the EKS cluster.

[root@ostechnix ~]# kubectl get svc
kubernetes   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   105m
Get service details with kubectl command
Get service details with kubectl command


In this article, we have learned how to provision Amazon EKS cluster and how to setup AWS CLI and Kubectl for the EKS cluster in Linux platform.

I've successfully deployed Kubernetes cluster on AWS cloud, now what? You might wonder. Please check our next guide to know how to add Node Groups and configure the worker nodes in AWS EKS cluster.


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