Home Ubuntu How To Install Latest Enlightenment Desktop Environment In Ubuntu

How To Install Latest Enlightenment Desktop Environment In Ubuntu

By sk

In this tutorial, we will explain what is Enlightenment Desktop Environment and guide you through the steps to install latest Enlightenment Desktop Environment in Ubuntu Linux operating system.

What is Enlightenment Desktop Environment?

Enlightenment is a modular desktop environment, meaning you can tailor it to your needs. It offers a lightweight window manager, a compositor for visual effects, and a desktop shell for launching applications and managing your system.

While not as popular as GNOME or KDE, Enlightenment (often shortened to ‘E’) stands out for its use of the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). These libraries allow E to be lightweight yet powerful, offering a smooth and customisable experience.

EFL libraries are known for their smaller memory footprint compared to alternatives like GTK+ and Qt, allowing E to run smoothly even on older hardware. Furthermore, Enlightenment prioritises user customisation.

While its aesthetics might not suit everyone, E provides a wide range of options for personalising your desktop.

Enlightenment 0.27 Released!

Enlightenment 0.27, the latest version of this unique desktop environment, is released a few days ago, bringing a host of improvements for Linux and BSD users.

What’s New in Enlightenment 0.27?

This release focuses on refinement, with many bug fixes and some exciting new features:

  • Wayland Support Improved: The Wayland session is now visible in GDM, making it easier to choose Enlightenment on systems using this modern display server.
  • New CPUFreq Gadget: Monitor your CPU frequency with a new gadget that includes a graph and a governor slider for adjusting performance.
  • Enhanced Battery Gadget: The battery gadget has been revamped to provide more information and detail about your laptop’s battery life.
  • Music Control Gets a Makeover: Control your music with an updated music control module sporting a fresh new design.
  • Finer Font Scaling: A new 1.2x font scaling option allows for more precise adjustments to text size.
  • Tablet-Friendly "Convertible" Module: The new “Convertible” module is designed specifically for tablet devices, improving usability on touchscreens.

Alongside these additions, Enlightenment 0.27 also includes numerous bug fixes and performance improvements, ensuring a more stable and enjoyable desktop experience.

For more details, check this git commit.

How to Get Enlightenment 0.27

You can download the source code for Enlightenment 0.27 from the official website. Keep in mind that you will need EFL v1.28.0 or newer to compile and build it.

If compiling from source isn't your cup of tea, there's an easier way. The elluminate script automates the entire process, making installation straightforward, particularly on Ubuntu 22.04. While officially supporting Ubuntu 22.04, the script may function with newer versions.

Alternatively, Ubuntu 24.04 and 24.10 users can install the slightly older Enlightenment 0.26 directly from the Ubuntu archives.

Install Enlightenment Desktop Environment on Ubuntu 24.04 and Newer Versions

Ubuntu 24.04 and 24.10 include Enlightenment 0.26 in their default repositories. To install this older version, use the command:

sudo apt install enlightenment

Note that this won't give you the latest features of 0.27.

If you want to try the latest version, you can try the elluminate script.

Install Latest Enlightenment 0.27 on Ubuntu 22.04

There are a few ways to install Enlightenment 0.27 on Ubuntu, depending on your comfort level and Ubuntu version:

1. Compile from Source:

The official Enlightenment website provides source code for version 0.27. However, this requires compiling, which can be complex. You'll need EFL v1.28.0 or newer to build it.

2. Use the elluminate Script:

The elluminate script simplifies the installation process, particularly on Ubuntu 22.04. While officially supporting 22.04, it may work on newer versions.

Please note that it will take quite a long time to install Enlightenment using this script. In my Ubuntu VM with 8 GB RAM and 30 GB disk, it took around 30 minutes to complete.

To install Enlightenment using elluminate script, follow the steps below:

Install git and sound-icons:

sudo apt install git sound-icons

Clone the elluminate Git Repository:

git clone https://github.com/batden/elluminate.git

This will clone contents of the elluminate repository into a folder called elluminate in the current working directory.

Navigate to the elluminate folder and make the script executable:

cd elluminate
chmod +x elluminate.sh

Run the script:


You will be given the following three choices:

Please enter the number of your choice:

1 INSTALL the Enlightenment ecosystem now

2 Update and rebuild the ecosystem in release mode

3 Update and rebuild the ecosystem with Wayland support

Or press Ctrl+C to quit.
Install Latest Enlightenment on Ubuntu 22.04 using elluminate
Install Latest Enlightenment on Ubuntu 22.04 using elluminate

I go with the first choice by entering number 1.

After a few minutes, you will be prompted to enter a path for the enlightenment source folders. This folder will be used to download all necessary source files required for compiling and installing Enlightenment. Please enter an absolute, valid path and press ENTER:

Please enter a path for the Enlightenment source folders   (e.g. /home/ostechnix/Documents or /home/ostechnix/testing): /home/ostechnix/enlightenment
Enter Path for Enlightenment Source Folders
Enter Path for Enlightenment Source Folders

Now the compilation process will begin. Please note that it will take several minutes to complete. Please be patient!

Once the installation completed, exit the terminal. Now log out of your existing session then select Enlightenment on the login screen.

Login to Enlightenment Desktop

From the login screen, choose the Enlightenment desktop session from the list.

Login to Enlightenment Desktop Environment in Ubuntu
Login to Enlightenment Desktop Environment in Ubuntu

Upon first login, you may need to do some initial configuration such as choosing system language, keyboard layout, profile, and enabling taskbar etc. This is self-explanatory and won't be long. Just choose your preferred settings and complete the initial configuration wizard.

Enlightenment Initial Configuration
Enlightenment Initial Configuration

That's it. Start using Enlightenment desktop!

Ubuntu Enlightenment Desktop
Ubuntu Enlightenment Desktop

Uninstall Enlightenment Desktop

If you installed Enlightenment using the elluminate script, there's a companion script called extinguish that can help you remove Enlightenment and its related applications.

Clone the extinguish.sh repository:

git clone https://github.com/batden/extinguish.git

This will clone the contents of official git repository into a folder called extinguish. Go to the script and make the script executable:

cd extinguish
chmod +x extinguish.sh

Finally, run the script to remove Enlightenment desktop from your Ubuntu system:


Follow the onscreen instructions.

This should remove Enlightenment and the associated applications from your Ubuntu system.

If you installed Enlightenment using apt from the official repositories, run:

sudo apt remove enlightenment


Enlightenment continues the tradition of offering a unique and customisable desktop experience. If you're looking for a lightweight, visually appealing, and highly configurable desktop, Enlightenment is well worth exploring.

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